mkrGURU converts your doorbell into an electronic doorman

mkrGURU integrates with Machine Learning and Stream Analytics to deter unwanted visitors and accommodate the much needed delivery guy. When required doorbell connects the visitor to an available house resident via a cell phone.

mkrGURU adds cost effective electronic assistants to stores, malls and events

mkrGURU uses Machine Learning to analyze the visitors and customers while providing valuable data to vendors, supplier and manufactures. Further improvements to business processes with Azure IoT Suite.

mkrGURU adds intelligence to familier electrical devices and emergency alerts

Add Smart outlets to control and manage various home appliances and electronics

Control your thermostat

Turn on the lights and feed your pets on time...

Connect, Program and Control

Control and Program mkrGURU using Windows Remote Arduino, Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino, Microsoft Visual Studio and Arduino IDE on Windows 10.

Connect mkrGURU to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub easily and securely. Collect telemetry data to understand the state of the mkrGURU and take action when the mkrGURU needs attention.

mkrGURU Powered By

  • Arduino MKR1000
  • MP3/MicroSD breakout board
  • Tiny TTL Serial Camera module
  • Microsoft Azure

Research and Development

Meet the Team

Say it, "Maker guru"
